Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Treatment Update

It's Adam again, I wanted to update you before the night ends.  Mom got a call from Dr. Jessica tonight, and it's official...they are going to start her treatment tomorrow.  They have decided to move forward with a higher-dose chemo regiment, mainly because they have to get the leukemia out of her body. 

Tomorrow morning Dr. Jessica will be coming in to meet with me and Mom and to go over the reasons as to why she chose this option.  We know there were a lot of factors that went into this form of treatment, so hopefully we will get some more clarification of that from her.

As you read before, today was quite a roller coaster of emotions...mainly coming from the FLT-3 surprise.  I wanted to let you know that there is positive news as well with the FLT-3 not being present in her genetic makeup.  A few years ago when she was being treated here at Northwestern, her doctors told her that because she has the FLT-3 situation that it will be harder to make the leukemia go away and it will also be more susceptible to it returning again like it has.  So we are taking it as a positive that the FLT-3 has not shown up on the tests, because it very well might be easier to get rid of the leukemia again and the chances are better that we will NEVER SEE IT AGAIN!!!  Pray for that, and pray for Mom's strength as she mentally prepares to take on this nasty chemo again.  The hard part is that she knows what it's like because she's been there and done that before...but this is what will make her better and she needs the strength to fight through it. 

I will post another update after Dr. Jessica leaves in the morning.  Dad was up here tonight and both Lane and Graysen Provance were able to see her again as well.  Grandkid visits might be over now because of her needing to be more isolated, but we are thankful that over the last few days she has been able to see every one of her grandkids, even the new arrival Cartlan!  By the way, Suzanne is doing very well and Cartlan's doctors appointment yesterday went smooth...Mom and baby BOY are doing great!! 

Side note...I will be going out to get Mom some cheesecake tomorrow because Bre and I went to dinner with the kids while Dad was here and we went to the Cheesecake Factory.  When I came back to her room and told her where we went she asked what kind of cheesecake did I bring her?  I know where I will be going after Dr. Jessica leaves her room!!!  Love you Mom, whatever you need I will get!!


  1. Mary, you are strong. You are loved, and you have beat this before. Get in the ring and fight again. We are praying for you CONSTANTLY!! We love you.

  2. Mary, I am thinking of you do often, and saying a prayer for you every time!! I want to get up and see you, and will check to see when a good time is. I love you so much and am so sick to hear you have to go through all this again. I'm sure it is more of a burden knowing what it's going to be like this time. I love you and wish I could take this all from you. I hate knowing that you are suffering. Praying all the time! Love, kimmy.
