Tuesday, February 15, 2011

February Update

Hi there...thank you for checking in.  We've continued to get great reports from the doctor at Mom's checkups each month in Chicago.  Since her counts look so good Mom is now down to only ONE medicine!  What a major accomplishment from where she started a little over a year ago. 

Life is good and Mom continues to do everything she loves to do.  She visits her Mom in Ottawa a few times a week, does projects around the house, and is very much looking forward to Spring!!  Isn't everyone?  All of us kids keep her busy as well.  I'm living with Mom, Dad, and David as well and my husband and daughter until we finish fixing up our new house down the street.  So as you can imagine, we keep her busy here.  Amy is also around the house almost everyday with her 3 girls.  Julie visits whenever she can get away from Chicago and Adam and his family are going to be coming to visit from Pennsylvania in March.  We can't wait!  Dad has been very busy with work lately, as the season of outages starts this week.  He'll be working many 12+ hours over the next few months, but thankfully, he loves his job and feels blessed to have it.

We hope you're all doing well and getting through these last couple weeks of winter.  God bless you!