Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy Good Friday to you all,

We don't have much to update, but wanted to let everyone know what has been going on these past few days:

After being admitted to the hospital Wednesday, later that evening..Suzanne and Cory welcomed their first son, Cartlan Scott. He was a 6 lbs 9 oz, 20 in bundle of joy! Thanks to the technology of iPhones, Mary and Greg were able to FaceTime through the whole thing and witness the event :) It was definitely hard that they couldn't be there in person, but thankfully Suzanne had such a smooth and fast delivery, that by 10:30, we all got to meet and share in the joy together! It was a great lift of spirits!

Mary came into the hospital with such a spike in her white blood cell count..first thing they started doing was the fight to get them under control. The first night here, they pumped her full of platelets and blood and gave her oral chemo pills.
Yesterday, she underwent many tests and scans, had a pickline put in, and a bone marrow biopsy done. All these tests are what determine the plan of action that her doctor will take, but we won't know all the results until midweek. This is a prep weekend to collect all the data, do all the tests & scans, and strengthen her up for the fight to come!
We have complete faith in Jessica Altman, her amazing doctor. God has His hand in it and has blessed us by putting her doctor in our lives! She loves Mary as one of her own family and has a strong, positive outlook on getting Mary healed again.


  1. Thank you for the update!!!<3 you all.

  2. Katie (Naretto) MorrisApril 7, 2012 at 12:09 AM

    Congrats to Suzanne! Love modern technology that they were able to share in that miracle moment! Thanks for the blog again so we can share in Mary's miracle moment. Our prayers are with Mary and your family. God is faithful and He will complete His work in us. Good Friday....we are reminded of His sacrifice for us...Mary, He did it for you. Rest in His healing...prayers are on their way.

  3. Congratulations on that new Grandson. All are praying for you to get better fast to once again enjoy all the Grandkids. Thanks for keeping us updated.
