Monday, January 27, 2014

Surrounding Mom with LOVE

Mom wasn't able to open her eyes much today, but there were so many non-verbal signals which gave us the clear understanding that we knew she was listening.  Each of us were able to spend some time talking with her, and most importantly letting her know how much we love her and how much she means to us.

Today was a day of holding hands with Mom...sharing a personal moment with her...reading her some scripture...and most of all letting her know that it's ok!  It's ok Momma, it's ok to take the next step...we know it will never be goodbye but like your Mom used to say - "Don't say goodbye, say so long..."

Pastor Kevin and Susan Garner were here today and we had a great time of prayer and reflection.  Pastor told her that it was ok as well, and that when the Lord reaches His hand out to go ahead and grab it...we know that she is feeling a sense of peace about things and her hope is fully in our Lord Jesus Christ.

We are taking shifts overnight and all sleeping here at the house, please continue to pray for her peace and comfort until He decides it's His Desire to bring her home... We love you all, we feel your love/support!

Adam and the entire Provance crew

Please watch this video if you get a chance, it's an amazing message from our former Pastor at the Bible Chapel in PA...

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