Monday, September 16, 2013

A good Monday...

Hi Everyone!

A week ago...we couldn't have imagined hearing the words that came today from mom's team of doctors...and we are happy to share with you a positive report - They are very pleased with how well mom is doing! She is neutropenic, however she has had no fevers for the past couple of days, her nausea is better, lungs are sounding good, and even though she's sleeping a lot, she is up and moving more and eating better. There is a CT Scan scheduled for Thurs to check the status of the pneumonia, and they expect to see no change (which is good!). So we are happy today! Mom is too!

Pray for a good week - she is at her lowest (counts) and may still spike fevers due to being neutropenic, but it's to be expected. Pray for the CT Scan to show no growth of the pneumonia. Pray for the chemo to do it's work on the leukemic cells and rid her body of them! And pray for rest!

Thanks again for your loving & supportive prayers and encouragement. We are blessed beyond belief by all of you and can't thank you enough.


  1. yay!! best news of the day!! Love you Mary!! Keep fighting and we will keep praying!!

  2. WHAT a fabulous way to end a day!!! Love and continued prayer, Mary....

    Laurie Pfeifer

  3. Such wonderful news. Keep fighting Mary; you r an inspiration to many.

  4. Great news!! We're praying for you Mary!! -- The Gilbertsons

  5. That is wonderful news! Everyone is praying for you Mary and for you family! Keep positive and know how much you are loved.
