Thursday, January 14, 2010


Mom is on her way home from her weekly appointment at Northwestern. She feels about the same as last week, still dealing with an upset stomach everyday. The doctor gave her a new prescription to try that may help her nausea. The doctors and nurses have always been very helpful to try different things if Mom's not completely comfortable.

Also, Mom's blood count and platelets have gone down a bit over the last couple weeks. The doctor said this is because Mom and Joe (her stem cell donor) have different blood types and they are battling a little. This is completely normal and should turn around about 3 months after the transplant and will not continue to be a problem. The doctor said that if Mom's blood count is still a bit low next week then they will give her a transfusion at her appointment. Again, there's nothing that we're worried about with this.

I guess that's all for now! Let me know in the comments section if you have any specific questions or give my Mom a call or a visit if you can :)


  1. Thanks for the update! Sounds like you are in such good hands, Mary. Hopefully your new medicine will help your nausea - an upset stomach can really make you feel lousy all over, huh? I'm glad everything is going as expected . . . that the doctor's aren't surprised by anything. That's always good, right? Have a great night! Love you!

  2. Hi Mary,
    It sounds like another great report, let's keep 'em coming! I am so happy to hear the great news!

  3. Karen Fararre LeRette LindquistJanuary 19, 2010 at 12:46 PM

    Mary, glad to hear that you are doing so well. Keep up the great work. Your family picture is awesome and I know you are so happy to be with all of them. Hope your Christmas was the greatest on of all times. I think of you often and continue to pray for you that you stay strong and continue to be healthy. I need to have all your prayer warriors praying for a very good friend of mine, her name is Kim and she has been diagnosed with breast cancer, the kind that is very invasive and agressive. She is starting chemo today at Northwestern, so I know she is in good hands there because they helped you so much. Please pray for her and her family, she has 2 little children that need her to be around. Thanks for your help and with God's help I know that he will watch over you and her. Thanks to your family for keeping us posted about your progress. It makes a person realize just how precious our life really is.
