Monday, October 21, 2013

Time At Home

Hello Everyone!

Once again, we are sorry for the delay in updating the you can imagine, it's been a very busy time for the entire family. 

As you know, Mom arrived home last Wednesday night and overall things have been quiet for her at home.  She's continued to have visitors at the house but overall she's still very weak and wants to be either sleeping on the couch or in her bed.  She needs 24 hour care and Julie has been taking on that role since Mom has been home again from the hospital.  I want to call her out because she's been doing an amazing job not only taking care of Mom, but also making sure that things are running smoothly for both Dad and around the house - Thank You Julie! 

As most of you probably know, I am a "Glass Half-Full" kind of person.  My outlook on Mom's situation has always been one that is centered around trust in the Lord to be in control of her situation entirely, and also one that involves a strong amount of Hope that Mom will eventually get better and be healed of this disease.  At the same time we also have to be very real with what she has been through and the aggressive nature of the AML that she has had for periods of time over the past 4+ years.  Her body, both physically and emotionally, has been through more than any one person should have to take...and although it's not fair in any way, that toll is starting to limit the options that we are going to be able to pursue for her.  We are not exactly sure what that means for her at this moment in time, but our main goal right now is to try and make her final days with us (whether that be 1 or 1000) the best they can possibly be for her. 

So what does that mean for you?  I'm going to be direct...I am encouraging you to go and see her, if you are healthy, or to send something to her that can be read to her by one of us (her children).  Mom is weak and may or may not be able to express her appreciation for those things, but if you know her well than you will know that your visit or card/letter will mean a great deal to her.  All you need to do is to reach out to one of us; Amy, Julie, Suzanne, David or myself.  The only requirement for a visit is that you are healthy, and that can be tough at this time of the year, but please be careful and error on the side of caution. 

Lastly, today Mom went up to meet with Dr. Jessica as well as some of the other members of the team at Northwestern.  We are still exploring all options for treatment for her and it appears that later this week they will probably do another bone marrow biopsy to see if the leukemia is officially out of her system or not.  We'll keep you updated on those results and anything new that happens this week.  This morning I went over to see her and she was resting very comfortably in her bed after a pretty good night of sleep.  Her and Dad purchased a new bed about 2 months ago and it's safe to say that she is very happy and content to be in the comfort of her own bed/home.  Thank you again for the prayers, thoughts, support and mostly the love that all of you have continued to show to my Mom and all members of our immediate family.  God Bless and Love to you all!


1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you Mary as you go thru this difficult time in your life. Don't know why life has to be so hard. Keep looking up and God will make all things right. I am so glad you have such a loving family that is always their for you and keeps all of us updated on you. Keep loving on those Grandkids.. Rosie
