Thursday, October 3, 2013

A little boost :)

We saw a little movement in the numbers today! White count went from .1 to .2 - Yay! We will take it :)
We also saw her hemoglobin and platelets hang on for a couple of days without transfusions - hemoglobin even moved up on its own! Another good sign :)

Still no set day of when she can come home, but we got another step closer!

She is still fighting nausea and low-grade fevers..much more minor, but still a bother, so we are praying against this continuing for much longer!

She been walking more and more..she's getting stronger and stronger and fighting thru the nausea and fevers, and is anxiously awaiting the day they tell her she is ready to go home!

With love!


  1. Awesome!!! I'm so happy to hear that you are feeling and doing better! Love You!
    See you soon, Keep up the good work! Kathy Stuedemann

  2. I think of you so often, and don't know how you are doing what your doing. You are indeed a fighter and going through what I cannot comprehend. Mary, you are amazing and I wish you all the best. Keep fighting, God has a perfect plan for you. Barb Boyd
