Sunday, May 6, 2012

Good News From 1486

Good Morning Everyone -

This is Mary's son Adam, it's Sunday morning about 11:00 and the room is full of smiles to start the day!  The team of doctors was in about 9:00 and told us that her numbers are improving, and I'm going to do my best in trying to explain what her numbers mean. 

When I got to her room on Thursday night after my flight from Pittsburgh her WBC (White Blood Cell) count was a .4, and it was building slowly the 4 or 5 days leading up to that.  Mom was frustrated when I sat down with her that night, and to be frank she broke down to me because she was so worried that the numbers were not going to come back up.  She also expressed to me how different things felt this time around, she wasn't feeling as confident about being able to eliminate the leukemia this time... I could tell she was very scared.  We shared lots of tears and emotions that night, but I also knew that it was my time to build her confidence up and thankfully over the next few days the numbers have given me some ammunition!!! 

Friday morning the WBC's went to .5, then by Friday night it was at .6, and finally to .7 on Saturday.  I got back last night after having dinner with Dad and we still didn't have an updates so we knew we had to wait until this morning.  So the team came in today and told us that her WBC's were at .8 (I kept telling her that I wanted them over 1 before I left on Sunday) and they also gave us an update on her Nuetrophils ( which is a key component of your immune system and it's ability to fight off infection.  Those numbers are between 250 and 300 right now and climbing quickly, and they have to be at 500 or above in order for Mom to GO HOME!!  I included a picture below that might look a bit ordinary....but this is a room down the hall from Mom that no one is currently occupying...I want this to be what room 1486 looks like in a few days!! 

So we are very thankful for the positive news today, Mom's spirits lifted immediately and all three of us shared some hugs and smiles, and even some happy tears!!  Things feel very different today than they did when I arrived on Thursday night.  Please continue to pray for Mom's numbers to improve so that she can go home with confidence knowing that she can allow her body to heal in the comfort of her own home and surroundings.  Also pray that her stomach can start feeling better...after she eats she is immediately does not feel well but so far there is no medication that is really helping with that. 

Just a few other updates from the weekend;  Julie turned the big 3-0 on Thursday, which is pretty hard to believe, and all 5 of us and some of our spouses were able to go out and celebrate with her on Friday night. 

Mom's brother Jack and his son Jonny were able to come and see her on Saturday afternoon.  Amy, Brian and the girls are coming up today to visit Grammy, it's been a few weeks since she has seen Amy's oldest two girls Madi and Tay so she is excited they are all coming up today.  I am heading out in a few hours to go back to PA, and hopefully will be visiting Mom at home the next time I come out!!  My family won't be able to see her for at least another 2 months or so because Bre is due with our baby girl on June 10, so next time we come out we'll have Grandkid #8 for Grammy to meet.  We also heard good news about Cartlan the other day from Suzanne, he gained 3 pounds from his last doctors appointment and continues to do very well! 

Someone will update you soon with more results from Mom's bloodwork, and we hear that Dr. Jessica will be talking with the team about what the next few days might look like for Mom in regards to when she can leave and what the next steps of treatment might be.  Love to you all, and I have one more favor to ask...if you are reading this blog please take some time to write Mom by posting a comment.  She loves checking in on the blog to see who has posted a response and I would really appreciate if everyone would send her some encouraging thoughts over the next few days. Talk to you soon,



  1. Hi Mary, I'm working all weekend...and think of you with every blood count I do! Praying for an amazing recovery for you. Chris has one baby home (Lydia) and one baby (Vincent) still in Peoria. Hoping that he'll be home in a couple of days.

  2. Hi Mary & family!
    You are in my thoughts often and prayers daily. Mary you have been your family's biggest fan; cheering, encouraging, fighting, supporting, & loving them through all the quarters, halves, innings, and appointments their whole lives! I can only imagine they're love for you :) Now they are doing the same back for you, its very obvious! They're amazing! Please feel encouraged by all the prayers being lifted by all of us on the sideline! You & your family will continue to be in my prayers- Sincerely- Amberley

  3. Mary, I'm glad to hear things are getting better every day. We are praying for you and love you so much. I am so sorry I haven't made it up to see you again yet. The kids are so busy right now. Josh just had prom last night and Caleb turns 16 this Tues. Pae had 10 girls here Fri. Night for her bday. I want you to know that we are praying for you everyday and we all love you soooo much. Love, Kim

  4. Hi Mary, I am so glad to hear your numbers are coming up! YEAH!!! Prayers are coming your way that you get to come home soon.

    Cheri Francisco

  5. Mary, I had a wonderful time with you today! I'm praying hard
    that your counts are up tomorrow,and you'll get to come home this
    week. You are the strongest person I know, keep fighting and we
    will all help out with our prayers for you I promise!!!

    Love You,

  6. Hi Mary , It's Beth again, Just read Adams post.....that's great news, sounds like your on your way to being good as new(well as good as new as we can be at our I say a little prayer every day for you Mary. Hopefully within the next few times I read your blog it will be that your on your way home !!!

  7. Hi Mary! It is Barb. I have been reading the blog and talking to Kathy. I am encouraged by Adam's blog and hope your counts continue to rise. I know you are needed at home in Seneca! I plan to visit you there next time I am in town!

    I sent an email to your sbcglobal account. I was unsure if you checked it often.

    I will continue to pray for your healing. Stay strong Mary. I know it is a struggle, but you can beat this thing. We are all praying for you. I love you!

  8. Woo hoo for rising numbers!! Thanks for your post, Adam. It's great to stay informed, and I am so glad to have specifics to pray for. Mary, you are a fighter! So many of us are praying for you and rooting for you. And, you can be sure that God makes all things work together for our good and His glory. YOU ARE NOT THE EXCEPTION! Have a great day. It's cold and rainy, so you're better off inside today, anyway. :)

  9. Hey, Mary! Yes, there are tons of us out there reading these posts and praying for you. I ran into a friend of Julie's at Target just the other day and she was asking about you. I hope you can feel massive amounts of love and prayers that go up for you every single day. We love you!

  10. Hi Mary, Glad to see that you are doing a litle better. It would be great if you could go home soon! It's really wonderful that the kids keep an updated blog going. You are truly blessed to have 5 great kids even though they are all adults now! We are both doing pretty well and think of you often. Will come and see you as soon as possible after you are home which should be fairly soon!
    Love to you,
    June and Frank

  11. Margaret BernardiMay 7, 2012 at 11:52 PM

    Mary~We think of you often and hope and pray you will be ok. Stay strong....We know you can do it. You have been blessed so far- think positive thoughts...all those grandchildren are counting on you to pass down your wonderful values and share in fun. Rest up because you are going to need it with 8 grandkids...Wow. Seems like yesterday and we were at Kathy and Steves BC (before children) Time flies when you are having fun ~it sure did fly and we sure did have fun and theres much more fun coming up....Love you . Margaret and Jim Bernardi

  12. Yay! I have been wearing my necklace every day and I feel so honored to get to tell people about my strong aunt who has relied on God through this whole process! You are impacting the lives of people who don't even know you! What a blessing! Love you so much! I can't wait to see you...thinking about you and praying for you always!

    Sarah (...Schuler...I know you know quite a few ;) )
