Wednesday, April 3, 2013

All is Well

Hi there.  We hope you all had a nice Easter weekend with your families.  Mom is doing well.  Her counts are good and she had a bone marrow done a couple weeks ago that came back great.  Mom also spent 10 hours at Northwestern Hospital about a week and a half ago getting more stem cells infused.  This was done to boost her fighting power if cancer cells do start to form at some point.

Over the last week Mom has battled a stomach bug, which she thought was just being spread around to lots of people we know, but is now on medicine for C-Diff...a bacteria that is contracted easily if you've spent time in a hospital.  They think she probably picked this up in her 10 hour stay a week and a half ago.  We're thankful she's on medicine now and today she is feeling MUCH better. 

If you were wondering from the last post, Mom (and all of us) decided not to do any further chemo treatments at this time.  We're very happy with how she's doing and how she responded to the clinical study chemo she had in December and January.  We debated, prayed, researched, and talked more with Dr. Jessica about our options and feel such peace that it's best Mom just get the stem cell infusion.  Now that the infusion is done, Mom will continue regular doctor visits and get back to enjoying life!

We are beyond blessed with how Mom has done through all her battles.  We're thankful for each moment we have with her and with each person important in our lives.  God has taught us so much through these trials and we hope you are all appreciating life like we now do.  Much love to you all.

1 comment:

  1. Mary and family,

    I think about you a lot and just want you all to know you are being prayed for and thought of very often.

    God bless you and you beautiful families,

