Thursday, January 3, 2013

Doing Well

Mom has been home for over a week now and is doing great.  She just had a doctor's appointment yesterday and her counts look wonderful!  The numbers are coming up and Doctor Jessica is very pleased.  Mom has been cautious trying to avoid all those nasty germs out there but is still doing more everyday.  She was so glad to get to see her mom in the nursing home.  Even though Grandma Emily isn't of sound mind, mom knows it still makes a difference to see her regularly.  I know one of the hardest things for Mom going into the hospital was that she wouldn't get to be there for her mom.

Mom will have a bone marrow biopsy next Thursday and then they will put a plan in place for future treatment.  Even though the cancer is gone they are still going to give her more of the new clinical trial chemo since they were so pleased with what it did.  The treatment may require a few days in the hospital, but the doctor says Mom will be home through most of it.  It will be a lower dose and much easier on Mom's body.

There is still a lot up in the air, but we sure are appreciating her being home!  We thank God everyday for this miracle and we don't take it for granted.

Love to you all!

1 comment:

  1. Keep praying for you Mary! You have a beautiful family and thats why you must always stay strong !!!Keep that beautiful I remember you had over 30 years ago..while being in Home Ec with you !!Mrs.Brewe !!! Stay strong Beautiful !!! Love ya ! Kathy(Mccumsey)Howe!!:)
