Thursday, December 20, 2012

Happy Birthday to Mary

It's Mom's birthday today!  What great news she received yesterday to set her up for a great birthday and a wonderful Christmas.  Mom has to stay in the hospital until her counts go up more, but Adam, Amy, and their families will be visiting her today.  My Dad and Sue will also be there with her, and I'm trading my daughter for one of Amy's daughters, and I'm staying back with a couple runny noses.  I haven't heard for sure but I bet Julie and Evan will be joining the party too.

Mom's counts didn't change today, so we're still unsure of when she'll be able to head home.  Adam told her that after she sees everyone today her numbers are going to shoot straight up! :)

Mom's main doctor, Jessica, called last night to talk more about the biopsy.  She was thrilled when she looked at Mom's slides with the head pathologist.  She said her cells look very healthy and that this new (clinical trial) drug/chemo seems to be working wonderfully for Mom.  Jessica has some things in mind for chemo in the near future to try to make the cancer stay away for good.  Mom will be heading back in after the new year to talk with Jessica about a plan.

For now we wait on Mom's counts and thank God for her health.  Hope you're all feeling just as blessed this Christmas season.


  1. Mary so happy to hear the good news. Wishing you a Happy Birthday and Hoping you will be home for Christmas. Diane

  2. Mary,

    Carl keeps me posted of your progress. The latest news is so exciting. Betty and I keep you in our prayers. We wish you continued speedy recovery and Happy Holidays to you and the family!

    Tom and Betty Polonus
