Friday, June 4, 2010

Who wants to hear more good news?

Mom had her appointment at Northwestern on Wednesday and found out her red count is now at 12.5!!  That's in the normal range (11-14)!!!  The doctor was very pleased about this and all is looking well :)  It must have taken a few weeks for the red cell treatment to kick in gear. 

Also many of Mom's medications are consistently being lowered in dosage.  She's down to almost nothing with her anti-rejection medicine so the doctor is confident that Joe's stem cells have now taken over mostly, if not all of mom's blood.  They're going to do a bone marrow next week to take a closer look at everything since it's been a couple months.  We're confident about it this time with her blood results coming back so positive.

Thank you for your continued prayers.

On a sad note, mom's hospital friend, Meridith, learned a couple weeks ago that her leukemia is back and she's now in the hospital going through treatment again.  This was extremely hard for my mom to hear but she was able to stop by and see Meridith after her appointment this week.  The reminder of the reality of cancer will always be around each of us, but we know our Lord has a plan for each person we know.  Please lift Meridith up today in your prayers and remember to live each day to the fullest as we don't know how many we have ahead of us.


  1. Wow!!! What awesome news! Very exciting.

    I can understand how hard it must be for you, Mary, to see Meridith go through this again. Just know that God has a reason He made your paths cross. We will be praying for you and her.

  2. Mary - I would say that you are just unbelievable... but, I know this was the plan for you. AND cuz you are so strong - I believe it! Such great news - enjoy your summer and your pool! Love, Jill
